Cheryl Update

I said that I would keep everyone updated. It has been two weeks today. Her arm and shoulder is getting better. "No pain No gain" is out the window. She is not sleeping. We have tried propping up in bed with pillows. Sleeping on the couch. Still no sleep. She is right now laying down with her pain #5 or #6. l just gave her a mussel relaxer and pain pill. pain bad enough that she has stopped eating. She is atempting to get her protein drinks and other fluids. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts.
Phil, I'm sorry to hear that Cheryl isn't feeling good or sleeping. Has she tried sleeping in a recliner? When I have surgery, I'm usually back and forth from the recliner to the bed... is the doc able to give her something to relax her enough to let her sleep? From what I understand, the physical therapy really aggravates the pain so hopefully it will be just a matter of time before she gets strong enough and the pain will dissipate... bless her heart. Please tell her that we are worried about her and that melinda says 'CHERYL, SIP SOME PROTEIN... SIP SIP SIP... Don't want to see you get malnourished...."
I am sorry she is so miserable. I remember it well, still have it at times. Have you tried giving her the pain pill and muscle relaxer timed so that she will have it effective (45 minutes) when she gets to physical therapy? That will help a lot. I really think your are going to have to get a recliner that she can sleep in. I had to sleep in mine for months and still would if I hadn't worn the thing completely out. Even in the recliner, she will have to have a pillow propped under the arm with the sling for support and ice on and off. The bed actually puts your shoulder in a very poor position for healing and makes this worse at this stage. My surgeon wouldn't allow me to sleep in my bed for over 6 weeks. Ya'll are in my prayers and I hope things get better.
Denise M.
on 3/23/09 7:49 am
on 3/23/09 7:49 am
Hey Phil,
Please tell Cheryl I am thinking of her and hoping she feels more comfortable soon. Not being able to sleep brings on a vicious cycle. Hopefully they will find a good combination of meds and she will find some position to get comfortable in.
And please tell her to have something to drink so she doesn't get dehydrated! We don't want her to have stomach issues on top of the shoulder surgery pain.
Give her a gentle, one sided hug from me!
Please tell Cheryl I am thinking of her and hoping she feels more comfortable soon. Not being able to sleep brings on a vicious cycle. Hopefully they will find a good combination of meds and she will find some position to get comfortable in.
And please tell her to have something to drink so she doesn't get dehydrated! We don't want her to have stomach issues on top of the shoulder surgery pain.
Give her a gentle, one sided hug from me!